Ladies Let's Talk About Sex...

Posted: January 4th, 2021

"My sexuality is not an inferior trait that needs to be chaperoned by emotionalism or morality" – Alice Bag.

As far as we have come, we still have a long way to go. There is this stigma still with women regarding sexuality, masturbating, and exploring what our bodies are capable of when it comes to the world of orgasms and enjoying sex. Over the years, I have started to pay attention to how women respond to sexuality among their peers and partners. I was not surprised as I should have been with the negative connotation that came with these discussions. How often are you or your partner in a conversation and you find yourself "not in the mood?" or when you are visiting with your bestie, that sex talk does not happen, and when it does, it becomes a conversation like another chore that needs to be done. "Yea, tell me about it. I have to do the dishes, laundry is piled up, and we haven't had sex in a couple of days, so you know it's time to put out to keep him quiet for the next couple of days."

We become complacent with what we have, and at times, we allow the minimum to take place. Have you ever asked why that is? Gentlemen do not think that this article is not essential for you to read. I have yet to meet a man that is not interested in sex, and I often hear that they do not understand why they have the sex drive of rabbits, and a majority of women can take it or leave it. In 2015 a study was done by Researcher Professor Dr. Osmo Kontula and Anneli Miettinen on female orgasms with intercourse, and 46% said they always have or nearly ever have had an orgasm during sex. No wonder women are not jumping up and down, waiting to be like little rabbits with their partner. Think of something that makes you feel good – a daily feel good. Climbing into a hot shower or bath to relax, wake up, and get clean – whatever it does for you, it just feels right. This is what sex should feel like, something that feels so good that you want more of – a daily dose if you will. So why are women not opening about what feels good and what doesn't? The relationship and the mental aspect plays a huge role in our sexuality, how we think about our relationship, do we feel a sense of shame for our desires, do we even know what gets us "off"? If you can ask your friends about a recipe or a good wine, you should be able to ask them if and how they squirt, the best position for orgasm even ideas on how to get in the "mood."

I will challenge your inner slut to turn on some porn and start flipping through what turns you on and what gets you off. Do not be embarrassed to do this, and do not have any shame in what turns you on. Talk to your partner and let them in on your dirty little secret so that you can begin to enjoy this together. Partners – warning – once the horny button is found, there is no turning back, the sex will be memorable, and she will tell you how to please her.

"Her smile and soft moans escape the very lips that were pressed against mine. The warmth of her skin as I feel her body tremble for more, her clit pulsating, waiting for pleasure, her back arching as I slowly kiss her from one nipple to the next. My fingers gliding down her body, as she opens her legs with anticipation, her pussy welcoming my touch…" – Holly-Wood


Remember the following – PRC


P- Practice; no one gets good at anything without practice. Become your own master with your Vagina


R – Relax – now is not the time for a "to-do list" Clear your head and relax your body.


C- Communicate your desires and let your partner know WHAT YOU WANT!


Grab a glass of wine, a mirror, lube, a towel or thick blanket, some washcloths, and your favorite sex toy so we can take another step towards orgasms daily doses of good, fun, and control over our sexuality. If you need a visual to locate your G-Spot, the Author of the book female ejaculation & THE G-SPOT, not your mother's orgasm book and graphic video called" See, Find, and Feel Your G-Spot" Deborah Sundahl created visual instruction that can be found at We take time for our nails, hair, dinner, amazon – ladies take the time to get to know your spots; I am sure your partner will be more than happy to help in this area.




