Celebrating 11 Years

Posted: September 23rd, 2021

We are coming up to a very important time, not only for Secrets but for anyone that is in the lifestyle or teetering on the realization that their sexuality no longer conforms to the mold of society. Accepting one’s sexuality is a path that is not to be taken lightly, mixed feelings arise, jealousy, anger, love, acceptance and finding that safe place of belonging.

Underground parties of secrecy became popular that created more attention to provide an escape for like-minded people to turn sexual fantasies into sexual realities. The historical idea that sex is a sin and something to be shamed is rapidly moving towards a new way of thinking, we are evolving sexually with not only our way of thinking but the way we express it.

Although we can take a stroll down history lane of the milestones of accepting sexuality, we aren’t going to be doing that today. There are moments that have been pivotal in the success of Secret’s Hideaway Resort and Spa. What started as a party, has turned into a destination, changing lives, offering the best parties, an escape from reality and a chance to truly be yourself. I remember the very first time I walked into Secret’s, it was not at all what it looks like today. It didn’t’ matter what the rooms looked like or how certain things were set up, it was a chance to take my clothes off, meet new people and get to know more about my own sexuality. There was a pull to Secret’s, a desire to want to be there, to always come back. To sit at moments and look at the changes; not just from the first time I was there, but since I started working there. Is incredible. The people, the parties, the rooms, the constant renovations, the friendships – I could go on forever. Many of you have your own memories that you have created and if you haven’t yet, well you are missing out and there is no better time to come experience Secret’s than now.

Over the last 11 years – Secret’s had a mission, and that has not come with out trials and tribulations. Hard work, constant battles to open, to stay open and a conviction that “Failure is not an option”. It has been with the dedication of partners, staff, owners, and members that Secret’s is able to celebrate 11 years this October 1st and 2nd, 2021. So what do we do? We throw a hell of a party and invite you to come join us for our Anniversary weekend where we will have live music, raffles for a free weekend at Secrets, cash prizes, games, free drinks, free shots, giveaways and a chance to thank you for your support to making Secret’s what it is today. Saturday we will be having a “beat the clock” admission – come early and you get in on us (after 6pm) – take your time and admission is half-off – be a late bloomer and you missed the clock. Be sure to follow us on IG and FB to for more details and to get to know our members. We look forward to seeing everyone there and celebrating 11 years of Secret’s.
